God created “very good water”

“God created ‘very good’ water”, published 09/24/2009, The Hook

By Marlene Condon
Published online 7:00am Thursday Sep 24th, 2009
and in print issue #0838 dated Thursday Sep 24th, 2009

Duane Snow is a likeable soul, so I regret having to use his words, but they make a very important point. [August 14 news: “Snow softens: Only Fenwick is jonesin’ for dredging”
Mr. Snow’s comment that NASA technology for recycling urine into drinking water “may be great for members of the Sierra Club, but [he’s] not excited about it” illustrates the necessity of limiting human population.
Hard as it is to believe these days, water used to be drinkable right out of streams. When we didn’t have so many humans and so many concentrated sources of farm animals and plants to feed them, streams weren’t contaminated by an overabundance of animal waste, pesticides, and soil runoff.
But nowadays they are. Consequently, public-water supplies require purification via technology that is far inferior to the natural cleansing the Earth is capable of performing. That’s why folks on wells tend to have tasty water whereas folks on many public water-supply systems suffer with the taste of chlorine.
All of our environmental woes boil down to human overpopulation. In the Bible, God didn’t tell only humans to go forth and multiply; He said that all of His creatures should do this. We know what happens whenever there’s an overpopulation of other kinds of critters: they eat themselves out of house and home and then they start to die of disease. Even if technology could save us from this same fate, the quality of our lives is negatively impacted— as should already be obvious to all.
Limiting the number of humans is not about abortion. It’s about folks choosing to bring fewer children into the world for the benefit of all. People know how to do this; they are obviously already practicing birth control. Otherwise healthy, sexually active women would be giving birth to upwards of a dozen children by the time they reached the end of their childbearing years.
Christians who argue in favor of not limiting population growth often say that environmentalists worship the creation instead of the Creator. They argue that God granted man dominion (i.e. ruling power) and, in so doing, granted man the authority to degrade the creation.
But permission to rule is not permission to destroy. In Genesis 1:4-31, God declares seven times that everything He had created was either “good” or “very good.” It’s hard to understand how anyone who worships God could consider harming, if not totally destroying, that which his God considers good.

LETTER- “Plain soap will do”

“Plain soap will do”, published 07/31/2008, The Hook

By Marlene Condon | MARLENECONDON@aol.com
Published online 7:00am Thursday Jul 31st, 2008
and in print issue #0731 dated Thursday Jul 31st, 2008

What’s really sad about the current disinfection discussion [“Coming clean: Board weighs in on disinfection debate,” July 24] is the display of ignorance coupled with unfounded fear that guides decisions made by many people nowadays.
Dr. Thomas Pajewski, a member of the school board’s health advisory board, says, “It’s important to clean high-touch areas as thoroughly as possible, even if these areas become re-contaminated after a single use.”
This is exactly what does happen, thus illustrating what a waste of time and money it is to disinfect. Yet people feel they should do it anyway because of over-exaggerated fears. The reality is that the majority of microbes (probably about 99 percent) pose no harm at all to humans.
Then this doctor says that “you need to start somewhere” because “the alternative is to let things accumulate.” These statements suggest ignorance. Things– meaning bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms– do not “accumulate” if you simply wash the area with plain soap and water. And such simple sanitation should be the main focus of public bathroom cleaning because unsanitary situations are the main source of spreading illness.
The smart way to keep children from contracting serious infectious diseases (colds not included because kids need to be exposed to these illnesses when they are young in order to get their immune systems up and running) is to teach them and their teachers to keep hands clean; keep hands away from eyes, nose, and mouth; keep cuts and scrapes covered; and do not share personal items, such as towels.
The school board chairman asks, “How much green can we afford?” The answer is that the schools and our local governments throw away plenty of green (money) on special products that are not even needed. Soap is cheap, and soap is what should be used.
I just hope these people are wise enough to do away with antibacterial soaps/cleaning agents that are well known to have helped create “superbugs,” such as MRSA– the bacteria that is perhaps the cause of this current obsession with “germs.”
How ironic that people’s misplaced fear and consequent behavior is what brings about ever more virulent organisms that truly are fearsome.
Marlene A. Condon

Hunting with hounds

“Time to re-evaluate hunting with hounds”, published 12/20/2007, The Roanoke Times

Editorial commentary

Marlene A. Condon

Condon, author of “The Nature-Friendly Garden,” lives in Crozet.

In the wake of Michael Vick’s conviction for animal cruelty because of his participation in dogfighting, it is time to re-evaluate the old Virginia tradition of hunting with hounds. This activity, which is sometimes cruel to the hounds themselves and always cruel to the wildlife being chased, negatively impacts many species — some of which we are losing in Virginia. It is time for this pastime to come to an end.
Game birds, such as the American Woodcock and the Northern Bobwhite quail, nest on the ground. According to “Virginia’s Birdlife” (published by the Virginia Society of Ornithology), decades-long breeding bird surveys have shown declines in the numbers of these birds, precipitously in the case of quail.
Hunting dogs (and pet dogs, which also need to be restricted) undoubtedly wreak havoc with ground nesters by disturbing nesting activity. And this impact is likely felt by nongame ground-nesting species, as well. The Eastern Meadowlark, a once common bird with a beautiful song, has suffered “significant statewide declines since the 1960s.”
Lack of habitat — the result of too many people and too much unnatural landscaping — is a main contributor to such declines. Wildlife is being forced into smaller and smaller areas because of overreaching human development. Allowing hunting dogs to run uncontrolled through these limited-in-size areas undoubtedly adds insult to injury.
Additionally, Virginia law has placed burdens on landowners that rightfully belonged on the hunters, which has turned numerous landowners against hunting altogether. As a result, more private lands are closed to hunting and more dogs are let loose to chase wildlife on state lands that may be the final refuges for some of our disappearing species.
Last but not least, abandoned hunting dogs are not an uncommon sight in Virginia. These hounds are often hit in traffic or, perhaps worse, suffer uncontrollable shaking as blood sugar levels drop due to starvation. Too weak to walk, they finally collapse and can’t get up, awaiting whatever fate befalls them. Can anyone deny this is cruelty inflicted by hunters upon man’s “best friend”?
And what about the wild animals that are absolutely terrified while being chased — either just for hound training or to their deaths? Shouldn’t compassionate humans care about such cruelty to them as well?
Unfortunately, many people do not realize that there is absolutely no difference between animals that are born wild and animals born into domestication. Wild animals suffer the same pain and terror as any living being. And, just as is the case with pets of whatever kind, each individual has its own unique personality.
Travis Quirk, a University of Saskatchewan graduate student who shot skunks when he was growing up but who now studies them, could verify this. As reported in National Wildlife Magazine online, Quirk had to hand-raise a litter of orphaned kits (baby skunks) one year, feeding them with a syringe. He is quoted as saying, “They were like kittens, playing games, following me around. Just sweethearts.”
Making wildlife suffer the sheer terror of being chased by hounds solely for someone’s enjoyment is an activity that has gone on for far too long. If you wouldn’t find it acceptable for your pet to endure this terror, then you should find it unacceptable for wildlife, too.
There are many reasons to silence the baying of hunting hounds — even if that baying has been a source of music to some hunters’ ears.
Constituents can contact the chairman of a committee studying this issue by writing to Rick Busch at the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, 4010 West Broad St., P.O. Box 11104, Richmond, VA 23230. Or you can send an e-mail to him at dgifweb@dgif.virginia.gov.